I'm sure you're wondering why I've been on hiatus for the longest time! Partly, because I was too preoccupied with "life" in general, haha, and we've had no helper ever since so I've been extra busy around the house.
But the main reason is because I am turning over a new leaf and moving to another domain.
I have mixed feelings as I write this... a bittersweet moment for Lique's Antics. Because I am here to say goodbye.
But wait! Not for good...
First, a few reasons why I am letting go of this blog:
One, I lost my writing mojo for quite some time. I have a number of posts pending in my drafts, and a couple of ideas waiting to be written. But I never got to publish them eventually. I just didn't feel like writing anymore. Don't get me wrong, I loved keeping posts about our antics. This blog started off as my online journal anyway, and it's nice to write stories and get to share them with your readers. But there came a point when I just wanted to stop.
Two, I don't feel as comfortable sharing about my family and my kids as much as before. My husband and I have had that talk about privacy and security, which is even more crucial in this technological day and age.
Three, I decided to pursue my passion for design and, therefore, I've been working on my other website. Yes, I am moving and rebranding! I've moved past the mommy blogger phase and am now focused on my creative pursuit.
As I say goodbye to Lique's Antics, I hope you could still follow me on my new journey at www.liquedimayuga.com
Don't fret, when I said that I'm not saying goodbye for good, it means I'll still be sharing with you some of my motherhood and homeschool chronicles and other antics over at my Instagram Feed and at my Facebook page, @liquesantics.
I will also be sharing some party antics and DIY crafts in my new website - those topics which I'm very happy to keep sharing with you guys. You'll also find me over at the @ldcreativepursuits Instagram and Facebook page.
Finally, I want to say thank YOU (yes you!) for keeping up with my antics and dropping by this lil' ol' blog of mine.
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See you on on the other side (of cyberspace)!